Thank You

thank you

Over the last twenty-two years, I've spent a considerable amount of time in and out of hospitals.

I can't even begin to tell you how many days or weeks where I've stared at the walls within a hospital. During all that time, I have seen the medical system from a different point of view. I was never just a patient, but a terminal patient. Every time I would go (which was a lot), I would encounter nurses, doctors, radiologists, techs and a variety of hospital staff. In my opinion, sometimes we take them for granted because we know that's their job. It truly takes a particular type of person to enter a health profession. I get squeamish when I see them taking my blood; I couldn't imagine having to do that for someone else. 

I have seen some people be downright belligerent and rude to nurses and doctors, and I understand that you're sick, and you're scared for your life. The situation is so unfamiliar (or too familiar) that sometimes you let your emotions get the best of you, trust me, I've been there. Especially now, we need to remember that words can hurt, and every single essential worker is merely doing the best they can.

I have been in palliative care for about six years now, and most patients who require the attention I do, don't survive as long as I have. I can imagine that being a healthcare professional would be incredibly difficult because you want to help someone like me, but not get overly-attached for the sake of your mental health. Even still, I have never felt this sort of distance between any hospital staff I've had. Most of them know who I am as soon as I go in, and the longer I fight my battles, the more support and love I feel from all of them. 


 I have always tried to be as knowledgeable as I can in my illnesses. My diseases are so rare, and because of that, I always knew it was a learning curve for the physicians as well. Although I have had a few unpleasant run-ins, I still count my blessings twice when it comes to my healthcare experience. I am so thankful to have people behind me that are doing everything to give me the best quality of life and to learn as much as they can to try to prolong my life. There are no amount of words that could describe how truly thankful I am today and every day.  

To every health care professional, and hospital staff who give their all every single day, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.